Monday, September 12, 2011


So I had to watch a conspiracy documentary yesterday about 9-11, and as a result I truly believe the government had something to do with the terrorist attacks on the WTC, Pentagon, and the Flight 93 crash in Pennsylvania. As such, I have pretty much lost faith in our government I may have had in the first place. I am not, however, someone who plans to destroy them or something. I am simply concerned that our elected officials may be more concerned with monetary gain the the protection of American lives, and also their tendency to lie and keep information from the under the radar. Such as Former President Bush saying he saw the first plane hit on television, when this was never televised. (The only video was a private one.) Not that I really believe Bush is intelligent enough to keep up a national conspiracy for 10+ years, but it does explain his strange behavior on the day of the attacks. I will end this post with a quote  from the documentary, and also a random picture of a basket-esque building.

"America... where do you draw the line in the sand?"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Football is not my sport.

Once upon a time, my dear father decided that his sons needed some time "throwing the pigskin". I, being of course a band geek and member of the speech team, was reluctant to join in. Maybe blatantly opposed would be a more accurate term. My father ran back spiritedly, throwing the football through the air straight at me. At first I sidestepped the incoming projectiles, but on penalty of eternal torture, I stepped forward and caught the ball. My smaller brother was not so lucky. Here's a picture of what happened:

My brother caught the ball.. with his face. 

Sports are not for me.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Compulsory post for this week.

So our teacher is making us blog once a week, with the result being a class of 20ish students get to play on a computer and type about their lives.
I will most likely use this blog to ponder the meaning of life and post developments in my story (which by an odd coincidence was assigned by the same teacher.) For your regularly scheduled programing, please refer to my other blog.