Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Compulsory post for this week.

So our teacher is making us blog once a week, with the result being a class of 20ish students get to play on a computer and type about their lives.
I will most likely use this blog to ponder the meaning of life and post developments in my story (which by an odd coincidence was assigned by the same teacher.) For your regularly scheduled programing, please refer to my other blog.


  1. Dylan, are you trying to insinuate something about this teacher? It seems as if there might be some animosity aimed toward these assignments! Because of this hostility, I just overfed your "feesh"! Bwahahaha!!!!!

    By the way, you technically do not HAVE to do it!

  2. lol :) i quite enjoy blogging.

  3. Your "Feesh" kept me entertained for about thirty minutes. Thank you :)

  4. I also enjoy blogging, it is just harder when you know someone is actually going to read what you write. And Hayli, you are very welcome.

  5. It's not that hard to find something to write about. haha
