Monday, October 24, 2011

Regionals = dissappoint

So we went to Regionals last Saturday with the intent of making it to State Semifinals in our heads and freakish amounts of excitement in our hearts. The seniors gave emotional speeches and the director assured us that if we did our best, and the judges did their jobs, the scores would take care of themselves. The entire band tried their best, and before we knew it we were standing on the sidelines anxiously awaiting our scores. In performance order they rang out: (eight bands make the cut)
1. Owensboro Catholic
2. McLean County
3. Murray High School
4. Russellville High School
5. Mayfield High School
6. Metcalfe County
7. Cumberland County
8. Hancock County

We were crushed. Half of the band immediately started crying, a quarter was speechless and holding back tears, and the other quarter were frantically ranting and raging about how "there is no reason to be crying" and "we know we did our best". I wanted to destroy the last quarter. So we all went home and had emotional speeches and cried and were depressed and we all went home and died. THE END.

On a completely different note, next year band is going to be much more legit. I myself am going to be one of the two Section Leaders for low brass, along with Kaci Beard. This means I'm going to have to be awesome and have responsibilities and stress and stuff. Go me.


  1. First of all, i am defiantly included in the part that cried. Next, I very much agree next year were gonna do awesome. NO. We HAVE to do awesome. Cause it'll be my last year and I want to go to semis again before I graduate. Finally, yay! you and Kaci will experience the stress of being a leader! have fun :) it's gonna be great. and....winter guard starting soon!

  2. I'm so supermegafoxyawesomehot excited for my section. I'm gonna be section leader. Excitement. :D

  3. I'm sorry you guys lost. I always see the band outside practicing like everyday. You guys work hard and it's a shame that you got beat.
