Wednesday, May 9, 2012

That awkward moment when you get replaced as Harry Potter.

So wrote this post last week, so excuse any weirdness.

So Ms. Vince asked me to be Harry Potter for Panorama. And I thought I said yes but apparently I was wrong so they found someone else.

Whatever, I can deal with that. I should've been more clear. But the worst part?

They wanted me to be Edward. Cullen. The sparkly vampire.

No thank you.

Not that I don't want to be a complete joke of a character or anything (actually I don't), but there are a few problems with this plan. I'm extremely dark skinned. And Twilight-esque vampires are stupid pale and white and gross. And they have gold eyes. I look as similar to Edward as this:

looks similar to this:


  1. Well played sir, well played. So you you are to Edward as Rebecca Black is to any orchestra.

    Huh, glad we sorted that out. Brody played Harry, and the Clark kid played Edward

  2. Hahaha! That's funny. Did you end up being Edward Cullen? That would've been very funny. Twilight has gone a bit crazy. They were pretty good books, but everyone has made such a big deal out of them. I don't like the movies that much. I prefer the book.

  3. Taylor, that is false. The books were not "pretty good". They were awful. The plot was too predictable, the storyline was just awful. To say the least, I was not impressed. But, yes I would rather read the books than watch the movies. Don't even get me started on the movie.
