Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jamming and gagging.

I'm not sure about the why, but the lower level of the school is pervaded by a horribly disgusting stench. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with some regurgitation.

The point is, it's really bad.

In other news, I'm sitting here jamming and typing and stuff. And I used all my good stuff for blogging yesterday, so I'll just talk about my schedule right now. At this moment, my schedule looks like this:

  1. Spanish II - Gonzalez
  2. Environmental Science - Lee
  3. CSC 199 - Hardin
  4. Precalculus - Williamson
  5. AP US History - Vince
  6. AP English - McCord
  7. Band - Nash
The thing is, I really want to take Jazz Band, which just moved to fourth. Now, apparently there are other changes being made, but I know nothing of them so I'll assume they don't exist.

So if Jazz Band goes to fourth period, I'll take Precalculus first period and independent study Spanish II. 

If need be, I'm fine with changing around my first four periods. The last three are pretty immovable. 


  1. i wanna play jazz flute

  2. I really want to do Jazz band now that it's a class, maybe it will work out somehow and next year would be awesome to have two band classes
