Monday, April 30, 2012

So in other news I don't care.

I decided this weekend that I'm done caring, and I think I'm just going let things happen as they happen and quit worrying about it, because in the end people do what they want anyway. I'm tired of being paranoid and yes, jealous, because it's making me bitter and hateful. It's almost May for God's sakes! Summer's almost here, and I'm holed up in my little cave with my iPod feeling sorry for myself.

But not anymore.

Honestly, I'm tired of trying and fighting and complaining. So I won't. I'm just going to go with it and let stuff happen however it wants, since I clearly have no means to decide. However, I do kinda like it like that. It takes the stress of decision off me, and I don't think I'm capable of it anyway.

In other news, my great-aunt decided she was going to take 58 sleeping/pain pills. She very nearly died, but her husband came home early from work and took her to the hospital. They didn't even get a chance to pump her stomach. And now they psychiatric lady at the hospital got an involuntary warrant to send her to some institution. Not that she doesn't need the help.

But two good things came out of it:
1. Now she'll finally be forced to deal with her problem instead of hiding.
2. It really brought a normally dysfunctional family together.

Not that my family hates each other, it's just that we rarely have a chance to come together all at once.

For example, take my mother and Jamie's mother. Even though they've been disagreeing and haven't talked since September (that's almost seven months for you math whizzes), they still called and had a decent conversation. If that's all the good that comes from it, I'm happy with that.

And I called Jamie and we both kinda cried on the phone and shared stories and stuff. It was really nice and it made me feel a lot better about everything that's been going on.

And talking to Leah until 12 or 1 AM also helped. And also kinda confused some more stuff up but that's beside the point.

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