Friday, April 20, 2012

My mother is an upholstery beast.

My mother is a beast.

Not like this kind:

But this kind:

What you're seeing here was once a coffee table. My mother took two sheets of foam board and  covered it in an old blanket. It's insanely comfortable and awesome. She also strategically made it a little higher than the couch, so when your feet are on it they're slightly above you, which somehow makes it feel a lot better. IT HAS TWO LAYER'S OF FOAM BOARD FOR BLOGGER'S SAKE. IT'S MORE COMFORTABLE THAN MY BED.

She also left the bottom on, so she could eventually take off the red when she found something better. 

That's right. My mom is awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I wish my mom could work a sewing machine, and your Mom is a beast, but scary sometime like the beast. And your Dad is beauty, cause he's all inferior to her.
