Friday, April 27, 2012

Just kill me now?

I'm sick as a dog right now. It's pretty bad. My throat hurts and I'm generally dying.

But that's not why I'm posting.

I'm posting about people. And how I don't like what they do, and how I have no power to make them think the way I think. It's kind of awful how that works. You have people that delude themselves into thinking that the world is theirs. The "Do what I want you to do." kind of people. And then you have people that have very low self-esteem, and these are the types that usually go along with the "Do what I want you to do"'s, further feeding their delusion.

The strangest thing: I'm not sure which I am.

Furthermore, I'm not sure which one is at fault.

Something I do know, however: people have to make their own decisions. Even though I may think some of those decisions are stupid and unnecessary, it's not my place to judge them and rule them.

Because in the end, regardless of others, people will do what they want to anyway. That's just how it works.


  1. First of all, I hope you don't die. That would be tragic. But not really because I poisoned you...I mean, hope you get to feeling better ^_^ Second, I think most people are "Do what I want you to do's" it's simply human nature to want people to do what you say. I know I do it, you do it, everybody.

  2. Yeah. That doesn't mean I have to like it.
