Monday, April 23, 2012

Derparoni and Cheese

One day in the lollipop woods the polar ice caps were dancing upon the  queen bee's mother. Then once the ponies smelled the rainbow's war stank, the chipmunk bit a liar. "Ouch, you balloon faced idiot!" Soon, Marygold and hotdogman galumphed to saxomland carrying their potato skin weapons proudly. Suddenly, Golem discovered explosive hiccups inside his belly button ring. Marygold quickly slammed Golem onto the roses, moaning sonorously. Carefully, they clubbed the lion's backside with ease, while dancing sweet victory things into Ashley's Morridor. 

This story was written through the combined efforts of Leah, Mallory and I. We all took turns typing one word at a time, and this is the product. 

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