Wednesday, November 30, 2011

All-district auditions are tomorrow.

So most of the band is stressing out over All-District auditions at Mayfield tomorrow. To understand our concern, you have to have an overview of what happens there and what happens if you get in; that sort of thing:

All-District is a district (duh) wide competition for middle and high school band students, which are held at separate locations. Each band director from every participating school is given audition music for each instrument, to be distributed to the students when the directors deem them ready. The students have a period of time to practice and learn the music, along with the appropriate musical scales. The school then travels to the location hosting the competition and plays the selection in a blind audition before a panel of judges. Each individual student performs and returns to the common room set up by the hosting location. At the end of the competition, the judges give each director a stack of folders, which contain a few pieces of music. These folders are awarded to those students who made the cut. These students go on (in January) to play in a full band of the district's best, a great honor and a great opportunity to learn.  I  MUST GET IN.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

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