Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Your expectations mean almost nothing.

Why do we take so many tests? I don't understand these "colleges" that only give futures to people who meet their expectations or requirements. Who are they to decide if someone is going to end up on the streets, half-dead and homeless? Who are they to dictate the terms within which someone has to live their entire life? One could argue that they are playing God. Should anyone have that kind of power, basically the power of fate? I don't think so. Least of all a bunch of stiff suits that, in the end, only really care about the bottom line. Colleges are businesses too; are they the right place for the posterity of America to be herded into, based on how well they play Eenie-Meenie-Minie-Mo on a scrap of paper? Oh sorry, my bad, I meant "Answer Booklet."


  1. they make us take those test to make us feel stupid and make them feel like there the big cheese >_>

  2. Colleges control us because they are smarter, richer, more talented, and have way more connections than we do. They have no right to decided our future but hey, no one else does but it seems everyone knows whats best for us.

  3. AGREED! Sadly Im going through this hard time in my life trying to figure out what college to go to :(
