Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bloggery and such is harder than expected.

Back before this blog was assigned to us, I already had a blog on Blogger. It was easy and effortless; writing about anything and everything I wanted with wanton abandon because no one was going to read it. Now I feel like everything I write needs to be perfect. I sorely miss my illustrations, but I just haven't had the time. After the School Play is over, I'll have much more time to draw and quality-write this blog. Consider these past few posts as an attempt to lower your expectations. That is all. Please return to your regularly scheduled chaos and mayhem.


  1. eleelb.
    im totes going to see the play and yell for you.
    you will do marvelous.
    oh and now on the subject of bloggery,
    ill probably blog about your performance...
    just because i can
