Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ba-BAM! Reverse Karma!

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Mallory... Melody. Melody woke up one morning to find her alarm clock ringing and buzzing, before transforming into a large jewel-encrusted dragon-mancer. Visibly shaken, Melody left her house and walked down her driveway. She stood, and was suddenly consumed with the urge to tackle the fierce yellow beast that she found sitting in the road. She ran toward it, guns a'blazing, when the yellow beast opened it's toothy maw and swallowed her whole. Melody calmly strode down it's esophagus and into its belly, where she met a number of other people sitting in flesh colored seats. One such denizen on the beast was speaking to some comrade of his "Eww, that slimy Josh Tabor, I hate him." Now, it just so happens that Melody was section leader over Tabor in band, and she was openly hostile to the cretin that dared disrespect her favorite Rookie. She turned and proceeded to stop the little fool into his PLACE! After being sacrificially regurgitated by the evil yellow beast, Melody hopped her way over some water and shuffled into a building that looked strangely like a prison, except with rancid fumes bursting forth and children, oddly enough, willingly going inside. She entered, and found herself in the band room with a bunch of other awesome people. Still angry at the Josh-Tabor-mean-kid experience, she threw down her bindle as a sign of her discontent. Her refreshment was impaled by a clarinet screwdriver, and exploded molten cola over her various personal effects.

And this is the story of why Mallory Eubanks shouldn't try to be nice.


  1. First off. Mom drives me to the end of the driveway.
    Second. The seats on my bus are blue. get it right >/
    Third. Kill me.

  2. lol very entertaining. :) i really wish I could have thought of this myself. but im not that creative
