Friday, May 11, 2012

So long, farewell to you my friends.

So this will likely be my final blog post before I change my URL so none of you can read it.

Kinda sad :(.

Goodbye blogger. I didn't like you at first, but since then I've whined and complained and told stories and now I think I'll actually miss you.

Bye bye.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

8tracks review.

I was never much on Pandora. It's ok, but all the weirdness and user-unfriendlyness eventually led me to seek other options. After I was told of 8tracks, it's all I've been listening to.
The logo. In case you were curious.

It follows the same kind of principle as Pandora. Internet music stream with licensing agreements that only allow for two or three track skips. But even with this, the music library is huge. Any imaginable genre, any artist from any nation. You can find it on 8tracks (or at least something similar, the whole point is to find new things). Combine it with StumbleUpon, and you can browse music similar to your tastes and interests. 

And the best thing? Piano covers. Or any instrument, like the Vitamin String Quartet. Amazingly good. 

If you don't find one you like, you can always make your own. And study playlists can be found everywhere, making it easier to concentrate or just relax.

Try 8tracks. You won't be disappointed. 

That awkward moment when you get replaced as Harry Potter.

So wrote this post last week, so excuse any weirdness.

So Ms. Vince asked me to be Harry Potter for Panorama. And I thought I said yes but apparently I was wrong so they found someone else.

Whatever, I can deal with that. I should've been more clear. But the worst part?

They wanted me to be Edward. Cullen. The sparkly vampire.

No thank you.

Not that I don't want to be a complete joke of a character or anything (actually I don't), but there are a few problems with this plan. I'm extremely dark skinned. And Twilight-esque vampires are stupid pale and white and gross. And they have gold eyes. I look as similar to Edward as this:

looks similar to this:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jamming and gagging.

I'm not sure about the why, but the lower level of the school is pervaded by a horribly disgusting stench. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with some regurgitation.

The point is, it's really bad.

In other news, I'm sitting here jamming and typing and stuff. And I used all my good stuff for blogging yesterday, so I'll just talk about my schedule right now. At this moment, my schedule looks like this:

  1. Spanish II - Gonzalez
  2. Environmental Science - Lee
  3. CSC 199 - Hardin
  4. Precalculus - Williamson
  5. AP US History - Vince
  6. AP English - McCord
  7. Band - Nash
The thing is, I really want to take Jazz Band, which just moved to fourth. Now, apparently there are other changes being made, but I know nothing of them so I'll assume they don't exist.

So if Jazz Band goes to fourth period, I'll take Precalculus first period and independent study Spanish II. 

If need be, I'm fine with changing around my first four periods. The last three are pretty immovable. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

So in other news I don't care.

I decided this weekend that I'm done caring, and I think I'm just going let things happen as they happen and quit worrying about it, because in the end people do what they want anyway. I'm tired of being paranoid and yes, jealous, because it's making me bitter and hateful. It's almost May for God's sakes! Summer's almost here, and I'm holed up in my little cave with my iPod feeling sorry for myself.

But not anymore.

Honestly, I'm tired of trying and fighting and complaining. So I won't. I'm just going to go with it and let stuff happen however it wants, since I clearly have no means to decide. However, I do kinda like it like that. It takes the stress of decision off me, and I don't think I'm capable of it anyway.

In other news, my great-aunt decided she was going to take 58 sleeping/pain pills. She very nearly died, but her husband came home early from work and took her to the hospital. They didn't even get a chance to pump her stomach. And now they psychiatric lady at the hospital got an involuntary warrant to send her to some institution. Not that she doesn't need the help.

But two good things came out of it:
1. Now she'll finally be forced to deal with her problem instead of hiding.
2. It really brought a normally dysfunctional family together.

Not that my family hates each other, it's just that we rarely have a chance to come together all at once.

For example, take my mother and Jamie's mother. Even though they've been disagreeing and haven't talked since September (that's almost seven months for you math whizzes), they still called and had a decent conversation. If that's all the good that comes from it, I'm happy with that.

And I called Jamie and we both kinda cried on the phone and shared stories and stuff. It was really nice and it made me feel a lot better about everything that's been going on.

And talking to Leah until 12 or 1 AM also helped. And also kinda confused some more stuff up but that's beside the point.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Honestly these pictures represent my mood pretty well

Just kill me now?

I'm sick as a dog right now. It's pretty bad. My throat hurts and I'm generally dying.

But that's not why I'm posting.

I'm posting about people. And how I don't like what they do, and how I have no power to make them think the way I think. It's kind of awful how that works. You have people that delude themselves into thinking that the world is theirs. The "Do what I want you to do." kind of people. And then you have people that have very low self-esteem, and these are the types that usually go along with the "Do what I want you to do"'s, further feeding their delusion.

The strangest thing: I'm not sure which I am.

Furthermore, I'm not sure which one is at fault.

Something I do know, however: people have to make their own decisions. Even though I may think some of those decisions are stupid and unnecessary, it's not my place to judge them and rule them.

Because in the end, regardless of others, people will do what they want to anyway. That's just how it works.