Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So. I drew a collection of various Pac-related drawings using SumoPaint. Here they are:

Disclaimer: Any relation to real events or persons is completely intentional  unintentional.

This title has been censored by the FDSAGHJKL of America

Censorship. What is it? Where's the line between it and looking out for others? Highly debatable questions, and ones recently brought to my attention. SOPA and PIPA, bills drafted with the power to censor the internet, have made recent news with organizations like Google and Wikipedia protesting them. Another example is the very class I'm writing this blog for. Some would argue that a few of the authors of blogs in this classroom have been censored. Some of the alleged censor-ees would argue with more fervor and determination. It is the belief of this writer that no one person or body of people has any write to tell anyone what to say, what to wear, anything of the nature. I share this view with the Constitution. Regardless of any personal choice of a person, I think they should be able to freely express themselves in a public school setting. Now, some people do not share this belief. I completely understand this, everyone has a right to their own choices. It is not my intent to slander anyone, just make sure that everyone knows about censorship and etc.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Day the Internet Died.

Today is January 18th, 2012. Congress has been trying to pass a bill that would allow them to censor the web and harm vast amounts of potential American innovation.

But some websites are saying:
Fighting online piracy is important. The most effective way to shut down pirate websites is through targeted legislation that cuts off their funding. There’s no need to make American social networks, blogs and search engines censor the Internet or undermine the existing laws that have enabled the Web to thrive, creating millions of U.S. jobs. -Google

These different bills are not the right way to combat piracy. It is my opinion that our Congress should look for better alternatives, instead of combating our freedoms.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012



That's right blogger. I admit it.

I did absolutely no homework at all this weekend. None. So now I just get to die in a fire and fdsaghjkl and I don't even know how I'm going to even start GSA this week and just. ugh.

I hate school. I hate tests. I hate being graded.

To illustrate this: I made you a picture. The black is the hatred for school and stuff festering in my life.

The cruddy brown in the middle is the death and the people that I hate.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The amount of homework I have is starting to weigh down on me. Currently, I have:

  • Practice Speech piece
  • Practice for Governor's School for the Arts audition
  • Watch Julius Caesar
  • Read Julius Caesar
  • Essay for English
  • Vocabulary for English 
  • Notecards summary for English
  • Black history article
  • Caesar Movie ?'s
  • Caesar Book ?'s
Most of these are the result of Ms. Harness. You hear that Ms. Harness?! IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M STRESSED!!! 

and my procrastination...

Monday, January 9, 2012


All-district was a complete success. I sat beside my friend Kaci and some new girl named Paige. She was kinda nice and not at all annoying to sit by. Our director was really awesome. We had like 92385709348 jokes while being in the hotel and etc. Also, I met a coffee maker that was part dragon. When told to do it's regular job, it responded by issuing a burst of unexpectedly warm steam. Band trips for the win.

Also, on a completely unrelated note, I went to an antique shop afterwards with the parentals, and I saw an alarming number of medieval torture devices. More on that later.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Break

is over...

I'm a more than a little sad. On the other hand, all district is Thursday. So a bunch of band kids get to pile onto a bus and drive to Murray, stay in a hotel room, and generally fraternize with other band kids while playing music and stuff. It's set to be awesome.

On another note, it's 2012. And "I think you should name him Parakeet, because he's not a parakeet! ...He is a parakeet..."

As I was saying, it's 2012. It's a new year, and I'm thinking I'm really going to try to become a better musician this year. That's my goal.

...Yeah that's all I got. Happy New Year!