Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This title has been censored by the FDSAGHJKL of America

Censorship. What is it? Where's the line between it and looking out for others? Highly debatable questions, and ones recently brought to my attention. SOPA and PIPA, bills drafted with the power to censor the internet, have made recent news with organizations like Google and Wikipedia protesting them. Another example is the very class I'm writing this blog for. Some would argue that a few of the authors of blogs in this classroom have been censored. Some of the alleged censor-ees would argue with more fervor and determination. It is the belief of this writer that no one person or body of people has any write to tell anyone what to say, what to wear, anything of the nature. I share this view with the Constitution. Regardless of any personal choice of a person, I think they should be able to freely express themselves in a public school setting. Now, some people do not share this belief. I completely understand this, everyone has a right to their own choices. It is not my intent to slander anyone, just make sure that everyone knows about censorship and etc.


  1. very nicely worded

  2. Some of the things people do should be censored. They're just bad taste. I'm talking in general by the way. Like 'the USA' general. Haha

  3. you wrote this well my dear. very well indeed.

  4. I think people should have a right to say what they want whenever. If people don't like it, they should ignore it.

  5. Agreed, everyone is entitled to their own choices. But I'm not going to change who I am or what I do just to make some other person happy :p
