Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The amount of homework I have is starting to weigh down on me. Currently, I have:

  • Practice Speech piece
  • Practice for Governor's School for the Arts audition
  • Watch Julius Caesar
  • Read Julius Caesar
  • Essay for English
  • Vocabulary for English 
  • Notecards summary for English
  • Black history article
  • Caesar Movie ?'s
  • Caesar Book ?'s
Most of these are the result of Ms. Harness. You hear that Ms. Harness?! IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M STRESSED!!! 

and my procrastination...


  1. procrastination is the reason i made a good grade on my book report for english :)

  2. Poor Child
    i only have bad news from this point on...
    Chemistry we turn in worksheets today...
    We get study Guides today
    then tomorrow we have a test
    Then we also have pep band

  3. Mine was like that but a lot of it was World Civ stuff! I hate missing a day of school because you always miss so much in class and then have to make it up. I'm just glad I still understand what we're doing in algebra. I know you'll get it done!! :)

  4. I sorry Dylan, even though it is your fault...I still need to do that Chemistry study guide...

  5. I Know what you mean! I have soo much Homework its insane. it is super stressful!
