Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Break

is over...

I'm a more than a little sad. On the other hand, all district is Thursday. So a bunch of band kids get to pile onto a bus and drive to Murray, stay in a hotel room, and generally fraternize with other band kids while playing music and stuff. It's set to be awesome.

On another note, it's 2012. And "I think you should name him Parakeet, because he's not a parakeet! ...He is a parakeet..."

As I was saying, it's 2012. It's a new year, and I'm thinking I'm really going to try to become a better musician this year. That's my goal.

...Yeah that's all I got. Happy New Year!


  1. I am very sad that Christmas break is over. I hope your all districts go very good. Happy new year to you too!! :)

  2. Thanks for quoting me :3 I'm special. My goal for this year is for this sprain to completely heal.

    Thank you for the awesomesauce glasses btw. so legit. I will wear them every time we go somewhere that has beverages.

  3. Its sad that Christmas break is over....and congratulations Peyton, for thinking Parakeet is not a parakeet, when he is in fact, a parakeet
