Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Haven't blogged in a week. Yeah. I have GSA and Quad-State and pickles and Pep Band and death and fdsaghjkl. Not sure if I have enough time to even accomplish all I need to accomplish.

In other news, I drew you a picture of a narwhal killing a person. Your argument is clearly invalid.


  1. This artwork moves me. I cannot describe how moving it is, the rainbow is drawn absolutely gorgeous and the narwhal's horn, oh lord. Gorgeous. The lightning bolt also compliments the stick man's eyes, they're simply bountiful pools of black.

  2. Awww the drawing of the flaming narwhal is a symbol of our love!
    Maybe if that person getting killed was tuba dude, but i know it's not him because he isn't fat, wait I mean. . . chubby

  3. I don't get to do quad state. Sad face, your art work is simply gorgeous, you should sell it for a high price. Maybe you could open your own art gallery that specifically shows pictures form Microsoft paint. Good luck with that

  4. That is actually not a bad idea and there is actually people who would buy stuff like this because yes it is a master piece! It is simply beautiful!
