Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I really don't have any kind of ideas to blog about, so I'll cop out and post some Sumo Paint pictures while I think of something.

This one I made largely because I was bored. It looks cool, and the really crazy blur effect makes it difficult to focus on one place. That's why the word "FOCUS" is included. If you can't find it, get off my blog.

This one doesn't have a cool backstory, I was listening to "Tonight, Tonight" at the time. You know, the one that does like "La la la, whatever. La la la it doesn't matter." etc. Which is actually a kind of backstory so, what do you know.

I made one of these for all four classical elements, but the water one looked the coolest so this is what you get. I actually am extremely interested in Eastern writing styles like Japanese and Chinese. They have a way of expressing beauty in the letters of their language, while English writers usually have to rely on words to create effect. 

For a post that wasn't a post, this one turned out pretty good. In fact, I think I actually have 100+ words. Go me.


  1. I will admit i skimmed this post, but whenever i read focus i immediately looked down at the next picture you drew. I thought it was symbolism for band, and how we need to focus threw the excitement,talking,etc. and work on music to get things done. Then i realized it wasn't and i thought you were deeper than you actually are....Sad day

  2. I didn't really read this, but its pretty neat, the chinese or whatever language it is is pretty neat. And the sun set is really nice, I think this is twenty 25 words, so I'm done.

    What now?
