Monday, February 27, 2012

I'm going to need everyone to shut up.

So. My grandfather is in the hospital with over 80% of his liver failing. He drank for over 50 years. Not really much they can do for you when, on top of that, your stomach is surrounded by about 3-4 gallons of fluid. So much that it's pushing on your lungs. Really not sure how to deal with this at the moment.

On a distantly related note: Quad-State went ok. I got 1st chair in the crappiest band. Not that bad, considering I bombed the audition and started practicing last monday. Now that I'm here, I feel sick and I really don't want to be here. Apparently I need to go finish the autobiography, so I'll cut my whining short.

OK, you can continue.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry Dylan!! Those things in life aren't good. But it has to happen.
    That's good about Quad-State! For just starting to practice you did really good. You always have the next couple years if you want to do better, anyway. Good Job Dylan! :)
    I hope your grandpa gets better!
