Friday, March 2, 2012


It was a dark and stormy night...

If you didn't just read that line in a British accent, please click here. If you did, carry on.

So. Today we have a chance for some inclement weather. Not like the "BZzzZEWZzz" kind but the "WHOOOOSH" kind. Does this necessarily mean a tornado is imminent, and we should run from our home and take shelter at our local Walmart, where at least we'll have food? No. Does this mean we should maybe take a few precautions and avoid general panic? Absolutely. That really is about it. On one side of the spectrum, you have the people that underestimate storms. These people are usually unprepared for a disaster, and the fact that storms aren't usually severe only confirms, in their minds, that there is nothing to worry about.

On the opposite end, we have these people who completely freak out if a raindrop falls on their heads. The people who carry National Weather Service radios with them at all times. The "chicken littles", if you will. Society laughs at them because they're "strange", or they "worry too much." However, these people are in better shape than the aforementioned group. Better safe than sorry, am I right?

In conclusion, it's much better to be somewhere in the middle of the spectrum than on the extremes. That's about it.

1 comment:

  1. As long as all this crap stops before 3 I'm good! And if its gonna do it all day then I say we leave school! ASAP! :)
