Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tests, Trips, and an orangey new blogger layout.

At approximately 10:00 AM today, some students and teachers from this school will be boarding a plane to Germany. The real Germany, like in Europe. Not sure how that's going to go, but since I couldn't afford to go. I'm saving my trip for somewhere better than Germany. Although, if a certain two people where "accidently" left in Germany, I would be eternally grateful.

Next subject.

I told you I would talk about testing today, and so I shall. These are the tests I have to take this year:

  • EOCA for Algebra II
  • EOCA for English II
  • On Demand tests and junk eww
EOCA means End of Course Assessments. Sounds pretty gross, right? But for next year, I'll have to take
  • AP test for APUSH
  • AP English EOCA
  • AP test for AP English
  • Whatever else I don't even know about
So yeah. That's about it. 

Good day to all your bloggers out there. Or, as they say in Germany, guten tag.


  1. I really wanted to go to Germany. I hate being poor sometimes. I miss all the good trips. I've used "I" at the beginning of all of the previous sentences and that makes me sound a little conceded but I'm ok with that. I don't wanna take any EOCA's. They're no fun. On demand is stupid. I don't even think on demand counts towards our grade so...yeah.

    1. It doesn't because they don't get it back until the next year. I don't really want to go see Auschwitz or anything like that. I'd rather go to Rome.

  2. Ewe. all your abbreviations and such just sound kinda nasty.
    And it really sucks being german and not being able to go to germany. :P
    but one day i'll take you ashely and we can prance among the nazis jk

  3. Sorry Peyton. Next time I'll type out "End of course assessment" and "advanced placement" everytime.
