Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Class signing up day. Maybe. *Note: Click pictures that aren't moving.

Not sure if I have the day right but I'm thinking today is the day where we sign up for classes and etc for next year also this sentence is way too long I'm ashamed of it.

I already have a moderately solid idea of the classes I want next year:

  1. Band
  2. APUSH (AP U.S. History)
  3. Chemistry II
  4. AP English or English III
  5. Leadership
  6. Pre-Calculus (...)
  7. Spanish II
Now, I'm going to find GIFs for each class. Enjoy:



Chemistry II:

English of whatever kind:



Spanish II:

As you can tell from the preceding GIFs, I'm pretty excite for next year. I'll be a section leader in band, so:

It's going to be pretty awesome. On a distantly related note, the juniors are taking the ACT today. Which I have to take next year. So my brain will be like:

And that's about it. I can't believe I managed over 100 words in this blog. Win.


  1. Those were actually really accurate. Hmm, I approve of most of most of them. Especially the one for Spanish two. Win. So. Hard.

  2. Ha I'm not taking spanish again next year...it was too...unchallenging. And I hated it. good luck in APUSH and ap english. ew. I haven't considered actual classes I want to take but I know my electives are band, art, and psychology :D I'm super excite to have suggs as a teacher once again! Art is going to be super fun as well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Those classes sound good. I want to take:
    AP Eng III
    Chem 1
    Pre Cal

    Then, since some of those classes are only offered once a day, I will just have to pick electives to fit the empty areas.

    I think these sound pretty good to take:
    Adv. Computer Apps
    Fashion/Interior Design
    Microbiology/Oceanography/Genetics - or whatever order those were in

    Then the one I MUST take:
    Spanish I

    So we'll just have to see how it all goes...
