Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We found bread in a toastless place.

So. I start most of my posts with "So."
Moving on.

I plan to use this blog post to basically lay out my week and also to whine about the sheer EFFIE-TRINKET'S-WIG-LOAD of tests we have to take this and next year. This week actually has a lot going for it, in terms of awesomeness-potential.

  • As the week preceding Spring Break, it automatically becomes .879465324% better than the average week
  • The Germany trip is tomorrow. I don't get to go because we couldn't pay for it, but at least a bunch of people are leaving. Maybe the teachers will decide not to do anything. Williamson and possibly Harness? aren't doing anything SUPER MEGA FOXY HARDCORE.
  • Kind of related to the first one. Since Spring Break is next week, tons of people will leave early for vacation, either Thursday or Friday; this further decreases our chances of productive work.
Now that I've gotten to the end of this part of the blog, I'm just going to click post. I have well over 100 words, and I can save the testing thing for another blog post. 

Dylan- 1
Everyone Else- 0
The Universe- 984137369587634985769347DIE9302470834597346598


  1. I just have one thing to say:
    ill not make you a sammich, but im still getting that hug

  2. That score is incorrect. I would say more like Dylan:-12343358647564786 The Universe:2
    Me:1,000,000,000. You're not even cool enough for commas
