Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I. Hate. Hashtags.

You may have heard of Twitter, right? Social media site that no one really uses unless facebook is undergoing maintenance? All around pretty stupid, if you ask me. It doesn't serve any social purpose.

But being useless is not Twitter's main problem.

See, on Twitter, they have this term known as "trending". So if someone posts "lol guise i h8 wen ppl do stuff I h8 roflmaol #ihatepeople", then the phrase "ihatepeople" is now trending on Twitter. How nice and technological and stuff.

If only it would stay there.

Trending is an idea only found on Twitter, so it follows that the awful hashtags should also be confined to Twitter. Only they don't. People on all forms of social media, from Facebook to Google+ to Blogger, now use the hashtags to end their posts with cutie little sayings and annoying grammatically incorrect fragments. What can we do to resolve this issue?

You guys tell me. I really have no idea.



  1. I am not a big fan of twitter, I only get on when I'm SUPER bored. But I agree hashtags should definitely stay on twitter! I get so annoyed with them!
