Monday, March 12, 2012

Marshall County principal arrested. Oh my God.

Ken Barlow, principal of South Marshall Middle School, was recently arrested on charges of rape and sexual assault, among other things. According to police, he imprisoned an adult in his house for about a day. Pretty messed up, am I right?

But let's not forget. This man was a PRINCIPAL. OF A MIDDLE SCHOOL. 

Not only that, four years ago the same man was charged (and acquitted) with molestation of a SIX YEAR OLD. That means a six year old boy said he was raped by this man. In the name of all that is good and holy, why on earth would you let someone accused of rape run a middle school? No telling how many students he's creeped on since then. People are so stupid.

Way to go, Marshall County. Way to go. You're doing great.


  1. Lol wow. People are stupid, and this man is just absolutely disgusting. Not sure what they were thinking by letting him work at a middle school.
    On a side note that last .gif is amazing.

  2. Me and Heather spent about 10 minutes dying laughing over the guy falling on the escalator!! But in all seriousness, that principal is disgusting!!

  3. I'm a nerd. I already knew about this before reading it on here. I kinda laughed at the stupidity people have to hire a person even accused of molesting a kid. But the school district will have a lot of butt kissing to do :)
    And just to add, I'm normally scared by the joker, but for this, he's perfect.

  4. Gross, but good job Marshal, you're doing great. And by the way, if you're not at school tomorrow I'm going to rip your throat out. I need my iPod. But thanks for putting apps and such on it:)

  5. Wow. That's REALLY messed up. Way to go Marshall! You're doing great. :P

  6. That's ridiculous. Pretty disgusting. I just don't understand how somebody could do that. The first picture is kind of creepy. The second one is hilarious.
