Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The post with the most.

Running a little bit behind this week. As I have nothing in particular to discuss, I think I'll just rant.

District games. Fun for most involved. Hopefully you're all familiar with how these work, but just in case allow me to break it down for you. Three competitions (of varying degrees of importance) happen at a district game. In order from least important to most important:

  1. Cheerleader pep battles. Cheerleaders are like Jedi, but instead of using the Force, they control something called "Pep". No one actually understands how this "pep" business works except the cheerleaders, but experts agree that "pep" is somehow channeled by the cheerleaders to excite a crowd of middle-aged parents that generally do not wish to be there. This is a small miracle in itself, but to have these people jumping and screaming for a basketball game? You win for now, cheerleaders.
  2. The actual basketball game. Not much to be said here. 
  3. BATTLE OF THE BANDS. Most importantly at a district game, bands compete subtly for the best and biggest sound. This is due to one crucial fact: bands don't travel. We never get to show people how great we are, because (let's face it) no one shows up for band competitions except our parents. That's just the cold hard truth. So, it is completely natural that we feel the need to bring up our game a little. It makes us feel better. That being said, band kids and basketball players may not get along during school hours, but in a different setting, we're all one big team. If the basketball team say, loses *cough*, it can still be said that "Oh well, at least the band was better than theirs." We win always. 
***NOTE: It should also be noted that band kids also have a latent "Pep" controlling ability. We use "pep" to excite a crowd, like cheerleaders, but we do it without trying. We have powers we ourselves don't completely understand. Yeah. We are that cool. 


  1. So true, we are just that cool and everyone is so jealous because WE single handedly get things moving up in there, and we so won last night

  2. I think this post just won an award. I think the louder we play over another band just ,means
    1. you don't have to be obnoxious to sound good,(At least we have a good sound though, otherwise, we'd be kinda screwed over)
    2. prove that we're a lot better than other small bands around. because, well, we are
    if the people at the front of the band get excited i think it rubs off on people in the back, or vise versa, depending on the game, thus rubs off on people sitting beside us, and then others beside them. Pep thus is symbolism for a germ that is contagious.

  3. Oooo. Peyton said vice versa.

    Anyway, I really think this is one of the best posts I've written, and I really didn't even mean to.
