Monday, February 6, 2012


No Rick Santorum. You cannot. You trail behind Romney by over 20%. You are clearly going to lose. Please refrain from appearing on major networks telling people that you have a chance. You, in fact, do not. That is all.

The presidential race is one that is closely followed by the world. One either side, we basically have a frontrunner, on that you could expect to receive nomination. In other words, Romney and Obama. And Gingrich. But not really. If I were to predict, I could say with almost absolute certainty that either Mitt Romney or Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States.

Actually, I'm really thinking Obama. But:


  1. Honestly, Romney looks like he could become a serial killer or something. I think Obama is going to win, which is fine because he sucks less than the other candidates.
