Thursday, February 16, 2012

Inspired by Ashley's post.

So. Something really awful happened recently and it kind put me in a bad mood. So I'm going to take it out on the world in the form of this post. If you don't care, don't read.

First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Dylan, and I'm an artsy type of person. I don't like playing sports (although I do watch them). It's just not my thing, and I really don't appreciate people who think stupid, stereotypical things about the arts. I like music, I like writing, I like drawing (but I can't draw...), etc. That's just what I do. It's really not your life, so I'm going to have to ask you to take a big dose of "Get the heck over it."

Secondly, I have a few pet peeves I would like to discuss. Like racists. I can't stand when people hate other people based purely on how they look or what language/accent they use. It's dumb. Plus, they're probably smarter than the racists anyway.

Another pet peeve is lying. Oh. My. God. How hard would it be to tell the truth and take the consequences instead of hurting everyone and digging a deeper hole for yourself. It's really a sad thing when people have to just ignore everything that comes out of your mouth, because you're such a liar no one knows what to believe about you. You tell one person one thing, and another another.

And another thing. Overbearing, arrogant egotists are among the worst people on earth. You know who I mean. The kind of people that have their nose up so high it's almost facing backwards. You can practically hear them thinking as you past them "Better than you....better than you...better than you and you and you." "FDSAGHJKL HOW DARE YOU BE A TEENAGER GET OUT AND CURE CANCER OR SOMETHING"

"And that's the rest of the story."- Paul Harvey


  1. I like your Paul Harvey quote. and I feel the same way. But I can't blog like this or i'll end up cussing.

  2. You sir, are a winner, and you have just won so many awards. Now, print this out and post it around school
