Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tests, Trips, and an orangey new blogger layout.

At approximately 10:00 AM today, some students and teachers from this school will be boarding a plane to Germany. The real Germany, like in Europe. Not sure how that's going to go, but since I couldn't afford to go. I'm saving my trip for somewhere better than Germany. Although, if a certain two people where "accidently" left in Germany, I would be eternally grateful.

Next subject.

I told you I would talk about testing today, and so I shall. These are the tests I have to take this year:

  • EOCA for Algebra II
  • EOCA for English II
  • On Demand tests and junk eww
EOCA means End of Course Assessments. Sounds pretty gross, right? But for next year, I'll have to take
  • AP test for APUSH
  • AP English EOCA
  • AP test for AP English
  • Whatever else I don't even know about
So yeah. That's about it. 

Good day to all your bloggers out there. Or, as they say in Germany, guten tag.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We found bread in a toastless place.

So. I start most of my posts with "So."
Moving on.

I plan to use this blog post to basically lay out my week and also to whine about the sheer EFFIE-TRINKET'S-WIG-LOAD of tests we have to take this and next year. This week actually has a lot going for it, in terms of awesomeness-potential.

  • As the week preceding Spring Break, it automatically becomes .879465324% better than the average week
  • The Germany trip is tomorrow. I don't get to go because we couldn't pay for it, but at least a bunch of people are leaving. Maybe the teachers will decide not to do anything. Williamson and possibly Harness? aren't doing anything SUPER MEGA FOXY HARDCORE.
  • Kind of related to the first one. Since Spring Break is next week, tons of people will leave early for vacation, either Thursday or Friday; this further decreases our chances of productive work.
Now that I've gotten to the end of this part of the blog, I'm just going to click post. I have well over 100 words, and I can save the testing thing for another blog post. 

Dylan- 1
Everyone Else- 0
The Universe- 984137369587634985769347DIE9302470834597346598

Friday, March 23, 2012

Grades. (This is also my 40th post!)

a degree or step in a scale, as of rank, advancement, quality, value, or intensity: the best grade of paper.

Grades: The things the teachers give you that supposedly indicate your level of effort and performance in said class.

However, sometimes the pressure grades put on students is unfair and unhealthy. Take myself, for example. I am usually an A student, but recently I've been keeping a straight B in Algebra II. This has kind of distressed me. As much as I hate to use this excuse, I'm really just not math-oriented. I LIKE. TO CREATE. NOT. SOLVE. I really don't know what to do about this, and sometimes it makes me bitter. Resentful towards the Micah-s and the Marcus-s and the Reid-s. The people that are good at math, and still manage to be good at English. 

I guess that's enough self-pity for one blog post.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I. Hate. Hashtags.

You may have heard of Twitter, right? Social media site that no one really uses unless facebook is undergoing maintenance? All around pretty stupid, if you ask me. It doesn't serve any social purpose.

But being useless is not Twitter's main problem.

See, on Twitter, they have this term known as "trending". So if someone posts "lol guise i h8 wen ppl do stuff I h8 roflmaol #ihatepeople", then the phrase "ihatepeople" is now trending on Twitter. How nice and technological and stuff.

If only it would stay there.

Trending is an idea only found on Twitter, so it follows that the awful hashtags should also be confined to Twitter. Only they don't. People on all forms of social media, from Facebook to Google+ to Blogger, now use the hashtags to end their posts with cutie little sayings and annoying grammatically incorrect fragments. What can we do to resolve this issue?

You guys tell me. I really have no idea.


Friday, March 16, 2012


Dylan here, typing at you from the chemistry room. Basically, I'm doing this right now so I don't have to later. On the bright side, my Women's history month project is nearing completion. On the other hand, PEOPLE ARE ANNOYING ME TO NO EARTHLY END. PLEASE SHUT UP. PLEASE.

At any rate, I am here to talk to you about a variety of topics since I don't have a set topic for this blog. Mallory is a Jew. I am extremely thirsty. As I'm sitting here, I realize that I would almost kill someone at the moment for just a mountain dew. I need liquid or I think I'll soon die.

Almost time to go, so here is where I sign off. Thanks for dealing with this awful post. Yeah-

Monday, March 12, 2012

Marshall County principal arrested. Oh my God.

Ken Barlow, principal of South Marshall Middle School, was recently arrested on charges of rape and sexual assault, among other things. According to police, he imprisoned an adult in his house for about a day. Pretty messed up, am I right?

But let's not forget. This man was a PRINCIPAL. OF A MIDDLE SCHOOL. 

Not only that, four years ago the same man was charged (and acquitted) with molestation of a SIX YEAR OLD. That means a six year old boy said he was raped by this man. In the name of all that is good and holy, why on earth would you let someone accused of rape run a middle school? No telling how many students he's creeped on since then. People are so stupid.

Way to go, Marshall County. Way to go. You're doing great.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Just a little rage therapy.

So Leah, of digitellejournalism, stole my computer. I think I'll kill her through drawings.

Drawing 1:
Here we have Leah being destroyed by a drill, aptly labeled "Doom Drill." Because it's her doom. Oh, you got that? My bad. Not really much else to say about this one.

Drawing 2:
Here, we see the treasonous Leah being stalked, and eventually maimed by, the infamous Pac-shark. The crisp, red iris of his eye indicates the feed-frenzy effect taking place. The blue circle around his eye shows us that he is sleep deprived, meaning he will stop at nothing to get his prey. He won't even stop to sleep. Yeah. That about wraps this one up as well.

(Last but not least) Drawing 3:
In this picture, we see a poorly drawn narwhal eradicating Leah using his storm summoning powers. The evil narwhal uses his mystical horn's rainbow shooting abilities to call forth a deadly lightning storm. 


That's right Leah. Mess with me, and you get maelstrom-summoning narwhals, "Doom Drills", and Pac-sharks. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Class signing up day. Maybe. *Note: Click pictures that aren't moving.

Not sure if I have the day right but I'm thinking today is the day where we sign up for classes and etc for next year also this sentence is way too long I'm ashamed of it.

I already have a moderately solid idea of the classes I want next year:

  1. Band
  2. APUSH (AP U.S. History)
  3. Chemistry II
  4. AP English or English III
  5. Leadership
  6. Pre-Calculus (...)
  7. Spanish II
Now, I'm going to find GIFs for each class. Enjoy:



Chemistry II:

English of whatever kind:



Spanish II:

As you can tell from the preceding GIFs, I'm pretty excite for next year. I'll be a section leader in band, so:

It's going to be pretty awesome. On a distantly related note, the juniors are taking the ACT today. Which I have to take next year. So my brain will be like:

And that's about it. I can't believe I managed over 100 words in this blog. Win.

Friday, March 2, 2012


It was a dark and stormy night...

If you didn't just read that line in a British accent, please click here. If you did, carry on.

So. Today we have a chance for some inclement weather. Not like the "BZzzZEWZzz" kind but the "WHOOOOSH" kind. Does this necessarily mean a tornado is imminent, and we should run from our home and take shelter at our local Walmart, where at least we'll have food? No. Does this mean we should maybe take a few precautions and avoid general panic? Absolutely. That really is about it. On one side of the spectrum, you have the people that underestimate storms. These people are usually unprepared for a disaster, and the fact that storms aren't usually severe only confirms, in their minds, that there is nothing to worry about.

On the opposite end, we have these people who completely freak out if a raindrop falls on their heads. The people who carry National Weather Service radios with them at all times. The "chicken littles", if you will. Society laughs at them because they're "strange", or they "worry too much." However, these people are in better shape than the aforementioned group. Better safe than sorry, am I right?

In conclusion, it's much better to be somewhere in the middle of the spectrum than on the extremes. That's about it.