Friday, May 11, 2012

So long, farewell to you my friends.

So this will likely be my final blog post before I change my URL so none of you can read it.

Kinda sad :(.

Goodbye blogger. I didn't like you at first, but since then I've whined and complained and told stories and now I think I'll actually miss you.

Bye bye.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

8tracks review.

I was never much on Pandora. It's ok, but all the weirdness and user-unfriendlyness eventually led me to seek other options. After I was told of 8tracks, it's all I've been listening to.
The logo. In case you were curious.

It follows the same kind of principle as Pandora. Internet music stream with licensing agreements that only allow for two or three track skips. But even with this, the music library is huge. Any imaginable genre, any artist from any nation. You can find it on 8tracks (or at least something similar, the whole point is to find new things). Combine it with StumbleUpon, and you can browse music similar to your tastes and interests. 

And the best thing? Piano covers. Or any instrument, like the Vitamin String Quartet. Amazingly good. 

If you don't find one you like, you can always make your own. And study playlists can be found everywhere, making it easier to concentrate or just relax.

Try 8tracks. You won't be disappointed. 

That awkward moment when you get replaced as Harry Potter.

So wrote this post last week, so excuse any weirdness.

So Ms. Vince asked me to be Harry Potter for Panorama. And I thought I said yes but apparently I was wrong so they found someone else.

Whatever, I can deal with that. I should've been more clear. But the worst part?

They wanted me to be Edward. Cullen. The sparkly vampire.

No thank you.

Not that I don't want to be a complete joke of a character or anything (actually I don't), but there are a few problems with this plan. I'm extremely dark skinned. And Twilight-esque vampires are stupid pale and white and gross. And they have gold eyes. I look as similar to Edward as this:

looks similar to this:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jamming and gagging.

I'm not sure about the why, but the lower level of the school is pervaded by a horribly disgusting stench. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with some regurgitation.

The point is, it's really bad.

In other news, I'm sitting here jamming and typing and stuff. And I used all my good stuff for blogging yesterday, so I'll just talk about my schedule right now. At this moment, my schedule looks like this:

  1. Spanish II - Gonzalez
  2. Environmental Science - Lee
  3. CSC 199 - Hardin
  4. Precalculus - Williamson
  5. AP US History - Vince
  6. AP English - McCord
  7. Band - Nash
The thing is, I really want to take Jazz Band, which just moved to fourth. Now, apparently there are other changes being made, but I know nothing of them so I'll assume they don't exist.

So if Jazz Band goes to fourth period, I'll take Precalculus first period and independent study Spanish II. 

If need be, I'm fine with changing around my first four periods. The last three are pretty immovable. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

So in other news I don't care.

I decided this weekend that I'm done caring, and I think I'm just going let things happen as they happen and quit worrying about it, because in the end people do what they want anyway. I'm tired of being paranoid and yes, jealous, because it's making me bitter and hateful. It's almost May for God's sakes! Summer's almost here, and I'm holed up in my little cave with my iPod feeling sorry for myself.

But not anymore.

Honestly, I'm tired of trying and fighting and complaining. So I won't. I'm just going to go with it and let stuff happen however it wants, since I clearly have no means to decide. However, I do kinda like it like that. It takes the stress of decision off me, and I don't think I'm capable of it anyway.

In other news, my great-aunt decided she was going to take 58 sleeping/pain pills. She very nearly died, but her husband came home early from work and took her to the hospital. They didn't even get a chance to pump her stomach. And now they psychiatric lady at the hospital got an involuntary warrant to send her to some institution. Not that she doesn't need the help.

But two good things came out of it:
1. Now she'll finally be forced to deal with her problem instead of hiding.
2. It really brought a normally dysfunctional family together.

Not that my family hates each other, it's just that we rarely have a chance to come together all at once.

For example, take my mother and Jamie's mother. Even though they've been disagreeing and haven't talked since September (that's almost seven months for you math whizzes), they still called and had a decent conversation. If that's all the good that comes from it, I'm happy with that.

And I called Jamie and we both kinda cried on the phone and shared stories and stuff. It was really nice and it made me feel a lot better about everything that's been going on.

And talking to Leah until 12 or 1 AM also helped. And also kinda confused some more stuff up but that's beside the point.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Honestly these pictures represent my mood pretty well

Just kill me now?

I'm sick as a dog right now. It's pretty bad. My throat hurts and I'm generally dying.

But that's not why I'm posting.

I'm posting about people. And how I don't like what they do, and how I have no power to make them think the way I think. It's kind of awful how that works. You have people that delude themselves into thinking that the world is theirs. The "Do what I want you to do." kind of people. And then you have people that have very low self-esteem, and these are the types that usually go along with the "Do what I want you to do"'s, further feeding their delusion.

The strangest thing: I'm not sure which I am.

Furthermore, I'm not sure which one is at fault.

Something I do know, however: people have to make their own decisions. Even though I may think some of those decisions are stupid and unnecessary, it's not my place to judge them and rule them.

Because in the end, regardless of others, people will do what they want to anyway. That's just how it works.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


So I'm writing this post in a large font. Because it's cool. Mallory isn't awesome.

I love that moment when the substitute "commends us" for being awesome. Because we are.

So anyway, the actual target of this post was actually going to be about how people make me mad. People that whine and complain about things about which they have no understanding. 

But I don't want to talk about that.

I want to talk about all the cool spaced I'm leaving between sentences.

It's kinda like the Facebook phenomenon know as "Jake Format", but for blogger. And it has a lot less swag. 

And that's all I feel like writing. 

Time to work on a Toxins PowerPoint.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Derparoni and Cheese

One day in the lollipop woods the polar ice caps were dancing upon the  queen bee's mother. Then once the ponies smelled the rainbow's war stank, the chipmunk bit a liar. "Ouch, you balloon faced idiot!" Soon, Marygold and hotdogman galumphed to saxomland carrying their potato skin weapons proudly. Suddenly, Golem discovered explosive hiccups inside his belly button ring. Marygold quickly slammed Golem onto the roses, moaning sonorously. Carefully, they clubbed the lion's backside with ease, while dancing sweet victory things into Ashley's Morridor. 

This story was written through the combined efforts of Leah, Mallory and I. We all took turns typing one word at a time, and this is the product. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Testing and grades and general death.

We just got done with our two end of course tests we have to take this year. I think I did awesome on the English one, but I'm pretty sure I got a C on the algebra. I had no idea what was even going on. Which reminds me, we have a chemistry test today that I know I'm going to fail, simply because I have no idea how to do anything. Ma + Va = Mb + Vb. Wut.

And on top of all of this, I have

  • Algebra essay response things for School of Rock
  • World Civ study guide
  • world civ posters and political cartoons and stuff
  • English map test today
  • English independent reading "cafe"
So I'm pretty swamped with end-of-the-year type testing and crazy expectations. 

Oh, and if I have two B's by the end of the year, my parents are considering taking away band. 

My mother is an upholstery beast.

My mother is a beast.

Not like this kind:

But this kind:

What you're seeing here was once a coffee table. My mother took two sheets of foam board and  covered it in an old blanket. It's insanely comfortable and awesome. She also strategically made it a little higher than the couch, so when your feet are on it they're slightly above you, which somehow makes it feel a lot better. IT HAS TWO LAYER'S OF FOAM BOARD FOR BLOGGER'S SAKE. IT'S MORE COMFORTABLE THAN MY BED.

She also left the bottom on, so she could eventually take off the red when she found something better. 

That's right. My mom is awesome.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Our bad.

So. I'd like to take this time to apologize for distracting any of you from from what I'm absolutely sure was unimaginably important and life changing work with our marching band music. Please, I beg for your forgiveness. If it was bothering you that bad, please just tell us next time. All of us have headphones, and Mallory even has an audio splitter. We could have listened to it privately.

The following images are completely unrelated.

OK, the last one is a little related.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Marching Band. I'm excite.

So I'm marching trombone next year. And I'll be section leader with Kaci. Yeah. See, marching band is divided into 5 sections:
  1. Low Brass
  2. Woodwinds
  3. Percussion
  4. Guard?
  5. High Brass.
And since we'll be juniors next year and there won't be very many seniors, most of our grade will be section leaders. Observe:
  1. Low Brass - Kaci Beard & I
  2. Woodwinds - Mallory 
  3. Percussion - Peyton (Melodic) & Hayden (Rhythmic)
  4. Guard - Ashley (With Leah as her little assistant.)
  5. High Brass - Micah
So yeah. We're going to beast it. So I'm sharing our section with Kaci and we're going to have around 6 or 7 people.
  • Me of course
  • Kaci
  • Swilley
  • Sara
  • Jantzon? Croft
  • Derp Kid
  • Maybe somebody else I don't even know.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break. Derp.

So I'm not going to write about Spring Break that much. Because it was weird.

My brothers and I stayed up until 6:30 Friday night. And then got up at 8 to go to Evansville to play mini-golf and laser tag and skeeball and stuff. It was pretty awesome. I'm pretty much going to bullcrap this entire post until I get 100 words.

Since I haven't got there yet, I'll go back in time a little and tell another story. The weekend starting spring break, Hannah decided that we were all going to the park. And Hannah made two certain people walk. To the park. For an hour. Ashley and I were actually looking at sticks to beat Hannah with. I wanted to destroy every vestige of her existence on the face of the planet. Like seriously. And then they arrived with the park and we ate pizza and I was fine again. For like two days and then it all went to crap. But that's not a story for a blog post. I'm pretty sure I have 100 words so I'm done here.

Glad to be back chillun.
Not really.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tests, Trips, and an orangey new blogger layout.

At approximately 10:00 AM today, some students and teachers from this school will be boarding a plane to Germany. The real Germany, like in Europe. Not sure how that's going to go, but since I couldn't afford to go. I'm saving my trip for somewhere better than Germany. Although, if a certain two people where "accidently" left in Germany, I would be eternally grateful.

Next subject.

I told you I would talk about testing today, and so I shall. These are the tests I have to take this year:

  • EOCA for Algebra II
  • EOCA for English II
  • On Demand tests and junk eww
EOCA means End of Course Assessments. Sounds pretty gross, right? But for next year, I'll have to take
  • AP test for APUSH
  • AP English EOCA
  • AP test for AP English
  • Whatever else I don't even know about
So yeah. That's about it. 

Good day to all your bloggers out there. Or, as they say in Germany, guten tag.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We found bread in a toastless place.

So. I start most of my posts with "So."
Moving on.

I plan to use this blog post to basically lay out my week and also to whine about the sheer EFFIE-TRINKET'S-WIG-LOAD of tests we have to take this and next year. This week actually has a lot going for it, in terms of awesomeness-potential.

  • As the week preceding Spring Break, it automatically becomes .879465324% better than the average week
  • The Germany trip is tomorrow. I don't get to go because we couldn't pay for it, but at least a bunch of people are leaving. Maybe the teachers will decide not to do anything. Williamson and possibly Harness? aren't doing anything SUPER MEGA FOXY HARDCORE.
  • Kind of related to the first one. Since Spring Break is next week, tons of people will leave early for vacation, either Thursday or Friday; this further decreases our chances of productive work.
Now that I've gotten to the end of this part of the blog, I'm just going to click post. I have well over 100 words, and I can save the testing thing for another blog post. 

Dylan- 1
Everyone Else- 0
The Universe- 984137369587634985769347DIE9302470834597346598

Friday, March 23, 2012

Grades. (This is also my 40th post!)

a degree or step in a scale, as of rank, advancement, quality, value, or intensity: the best grade of paper.

Grades: The things the teachers give you that supposedly indicate your level of effort and performance in said class.

However, sometimes the pressure grades put on students is unfair and unhealthy. Take myself, for example. I am usually an A student, but recently I've been keeping a straight B in Algebra II. This has kind of distressed me. As much as I hate to use this excuse, I'm really just not math-oriented. I LIKE. TO CREATE. NOT. SOLVE. I really don't know what to do about this, and sometimes it makes me bitter. Resentful towards the Micah-s and the Marcus-s and the Reid-s. The people that are good at math, and still manage to be good at English. 

I guess that's enough self-pity for one blog post.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I. Hate. Hashtags.

You may have heard of Twitter, right? Social media site that no one really uses unless facebook is undergoing maintenance? All around pretty stupid, if you ask me. It doesn't serve any social purpose.

But being useless is not Twitter's main problem.

See, on Twitter, they have this term known as "trending". So if someone posts "lol guise i h8 wen ppl do stuff I h8 roflmaol #ihatepeople", then the phrase "ihatepeople" is now trending on Twitter. How nice and technological and stuff.

If only it would stay there.

Trending is an idea only found on Twitter, so it follows that the awful hashtags should also be confined to Twitter. Only they don't. People on all forms of social media, from Facebook to Google+ to Blogger, now use the hashtags to end their posts with cutie little sayings and annoying grammatically incorrect fragments. What can we do to resolve this issue?

You guys tell me. I really have no idea.


Friday, March 16, 2012


Dylan here, typing at you from the chemistry room. Basically, I'm doing this right now so I don't have to later. On the bright side, my Women's history month project is nearing completion. On the other hand, PEOPLE ARE ANNOYING ME TO NO EARTHLY END. PLEASE SHUT UP. PLEASE.

At any rate, I am here to talk to you about a variety of topics since I don't have a set topic for this blog. Mallory is a Jew. I am extremely thirsty. As I'm sitting here, I realize that I would almost kill someone at the moment for just a mountain dew. I need liquid or I think I'll soon die.

Almost time to go, so here is where I sign off. Thanks for dealing with this awful post. Yeah-

Monday, March 12, 2012

Marshall County principal arrested. Oh my God.

Ken Barlow, principal of South Marshall Middle School, was recently arrested on charges of rape and sexual assault, among other things. According to police, he imprisoned an adult in his house for about a day. Pretty messed up, am I right?

But let's not forget. This man was a PRINCIPAL. OF A MIDDLE SCHOOL. 

Not only that, four years ago the same man was charged (and acquitted) with molestation of a SIX YEAR OLD. That means a six year old boy said he was raped by this man. In the name of all that is good and holy, why on earth would you let someone accused of rape run a middle school? No telling how many students he's creeped on since then. People are so stupid.

Way to go, Marshall County. Way to go. You're doing great.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Just a little rage therapy.

So Leah, of digitellejournalism, stole my computer. I think I'll kill her through drawings.

Drawing 1:
Here we have Leah being destroyed by a drill, aptly labeled "Doom Drill." Because it's her doom. Oh, you got that? My bad. Not really much else to say about this one.

Drawing 2:
Here, we see the treasonous Leah being stalked, and eventually maimed by, the infamous Pac-shark. The crisp, red iris of his eye indicates the feed-frenzy effect taking place. The blue circle around his eye shows us that he is sleep deprived, meaning he will stop at nothing to get his prey. He won't even stop to sleep. Yeah. That about wraps this one up as well.

(Last but not least) Drawing 3:
In this picture, we see a poorly drawn narwhal eradicating Leah using his storm summoning powers. The evil narwhal uses his mystical horn's rainbow shooting abilities to call forth a deadly lightning storm. 


That's right Leah. Mess with me, and you get maelstrom-summoning narwhals, "Doom Drills", and Pac-sharks. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Class signing up day. Maybe. *Note: Click pictures that aren't moving.

Not sure if I have the day right but I'm thinking today is the day where we sign up for classes and etc for next year also this sentence is way too long I'm ashamed of it.

I already have a moderately solid idea of the classes I want next year:

  1. Band
  2. APUSH (AP U.S. History)
  3. Chemistry II
  4. AP English or English III
  5. Leadership
  6. Pre-Calculus (...)
  7. Spanish II
Now, I'm going to find GIFs for each class. Enjoy:



Chemistry II:

English of whatever kind:



Spanish II:

As you can tell from the preceding GIFs, I'm pretty excite for next year. I'll be a section leader in band, so:

It's going to be pretty awesome. On a distantly related note, the juniors are taking the ACT today. Which I have to take next year. So my brain will be like:

And that's about it. I can't believe I managed over 100 words in this blog. Win.

Friday, March 2, 2012


It was a dark and stormy night...

If you didn't just read that line in a British accent, please click here. If you did, carry on.

So. Today we have a chance for some inclement weather. Not like the "BZzzZEWZzz" kind but the "WHOOOOSH" kind. Does this necessarily mean a tornado is imminent, and we should run from our home and take shelter at our local Walmart, where at least we'll have food? No. Does this mean we should maybe take a few precautions and avoid general panic? Absolutely. That really is about it. On one side of the spectrum, you have the people that underestimate storms. These people are usually unprepared for a disaster, and the fact that storms aren't usually severe only confirms, in their minds, that there is nothing to worry about.

On the opposite end, we have these people who completely freak out if a raindrop falls on their heads. The people who carry National Weather Service radios with them at all times. The "chicken littles", if you will. Society laughs at them because they're "strange", or they "worry too much." However, these people are in better shape than the aforementioned group. Better safe than sorry, am I right?

In conclusion, it's much better to be somewhere in the middle of the spectrum than on the extremes. That's about it.

Monday, February 27, 2012

I'm going to need everyone to shut up.

So. My grandfather is in the hospital with over 80% of his liver failing. He drank for over 50 years. Not really much they can do for you when, on top of that, your stomach is surrounded by about 3-4 gallons of fluid. So much that it's pushing on your lungs. Really not sure how to deal with this at the moment.

On a distantly related note: Quad-State went ok. I got 1st chair in the crappiest band. Not that bad, considering I bombed the audition and started practicing last monday. Now that I'm here, I feel sick and I really don't want to be here. Apparently I need to go finish the autobiography, so I'll cut my whining short.

OK, you can continue.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Quad State.

Quad State is tomorrow and I don't have the music down. Since clearly this personal piece is of the upmost importance, I can't go practice during this class. If you need me, I'll be failing something that could help me get college someday.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The post with the most.

Running a little bit behind this week. As I have nothing in particular to discuss, I think I'll just rant.

District games. Fun for most involved. Hopefully you're all familiar with how these work, but just in case allow me to break it down for you. Three competitions (of varying degrees of importance) happen at a district game. In order from least important to most important:

  1. Cheerleader pep battles. Cheerleaders are like Jedi, but instead of using the Force, they control something called "Pep". No one actually understands how this "pep" business works except the cheerleaders, but experts agree that "pep" is somehow channeled by the cheerleaders to excite a crowd of middle-aged parents that generally do not wish to be there. This is a small miracle in itself, but to have these people jumping and screaming for a basketball game? You win for now, cheerleaders.
  2. The actual basketball game. Not much to be said here. 
  3. BATTLE OF THE BANDS. Most importantly at a district game, bands compete subtly for the best and biggest sound. This is due to one crucial fact: bands don't travel. We never get to show people how great we are, because (let's face it) no one shows up for band competitions except our parents. That's just the cold hard truth. So, it is completely natural that we feel the need to bring up our game a little. It makes us feel better. That being said, band kids and basketball players may not get along during school hours, but in a different setting, we're all one big team. If the basketball team say, loses *cough*, it can still be said that "Oh well, at least the band was better than theirs." We win always. 
***NOTE: It should also be noted that band kids also have a latent "Pep" controlling ability. We use "pep" to excite a crowd, like cheerleaders, but we do it without trying. We have powers we ourselves don't completely understand. Yeah. We are that cool. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Inspired by Ashley's post.

So. Something really awful happened recently and it kind put me in a bad mood. So I'm going to take it out on the world in the form of this post. If you don't care, don't read.

First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Dylan, and I'm an artsy type of person. I don't like playing sports (although I do watch them). It's just not my thing, and I really don't appreciate people who think stupid, stereotypical things about the arts. I like music, I like writing, I like drawing (but I can't draw...), etc. That's just what I do. It's really not your life, so I'm going to have to ask you to take a big dose of "Get the heck over it."

Secondly, I have a few pet peeves I would like to discuss. Like racists. I can't stand when people hate other people based purely on how they look or what language/accent they use. It's dumb. Plus, they're probably smarter than the racists anyway.

Another pet peeve is lying. Oh. My. God. How hard would it be to tell the truth and take the consequences instead of hurting everyone and digging a deeper hole for yourself. It's really a sad thing when people have to just ignore everything that comes out of your mouth, because you're such a liar no one knows what to believe about you. You tell one person one thing, and another another.

And another thing. Overbearing, arrogant egotists are among the worst people on earth. You know who I mean. The kind of people that have their nose up so high it's almost facing backwards. You can practically hear them thinking as you past them "Better than you....better than you...better than you and you and you." "FDSAGHJKL HOW DARE YOU BE A TEENAGER GET OUT AND CURE CANCER OR SOMETHING"

"And that's the rest of the story."- Paul Harvey

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I really don't have any kind of ideas to blog about, so I'll cop out and post some Sumo Paint pictures while I think of something.

This one I made largely because I was bored. It looks cool, and the really crazy blur effect makes it difficult to focus on one place. That's why the word "FOCUS" is included. If you can't find it, get off my blog.

This one doesn't have a cool backstory, I was listening to "Tonight, Tonight" at the time. You know, the one that does like "La la la, whatever. La la la it doesn't matter." etc. Which is actually a kind of backstory so, what do you know.

I made one of these for all four classical elements, but the water one looked the coolest so this is what you get. I actually am extremely interested in Eastern writing styles like Japanese and Chinese. They have a way of expressing beauty in the letters of their language, while English writers usually have to rely on words to create effect. 

For a post that wasn't a post, this one turned out pretty good. In fact, I think I actually have 100+ words. Go me.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Yesterday, most of the sophomore class went on a field trip to Murray State University for an American Shakespeare Company playing of William Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream." The play was extremely well given, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. However:

They really need to put an IQ cap on these trips. If you don't have an IQ of at least 100, you don't deserve to go. I mean, really? How old are we here?


The really horrible thing was, there was someone of that nationality on the bus and as far as I know he's a nice kid. People just need to put on the big boy pants and learn how to exist in a world where other people may walk down the street. People who have a right not to be called "Ching" and "Chong".

To somewhat ease this tension, I drew a picture of a camel. It only correlates if you shut both eyes and do a barrel roll over a space shuttle.

Monday, February 6, 2012


No Rick Santorum. You cannot. You trail behind Romney by over 20%. You are clearly going to lose. Please refrain from appearing on major networks telling people that you have a chance. You, in fact, do not. That is all.

The presidential race is one that is closely followed by the world. One either side, we basically have a frontrunner, on that you could expect to receive nomination. In other words, Romney and Obama. And Gingrich. But not really. If I were to predict, I could say with almost absolute certainty that either Mitt Romney or Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States.

Actually, I'm really thinking Obama. But:

Friday, February 3, 2012



"Jersey Shore is like a train wreck that you can't stop."
"I watched it and I felt like I needed to go to the doctor to get checked for STDs"

Double Decker Culture-Spirit Post

I have done a total of 2 cool things in the past day, so I'm going to describe both of them in one post.

The improvisational duo Like Water recently visited our school. They are a free-form type of band that makes up pretty much everything they do on the spot.

Anyway. This band was pretty awesome, and some of the other bloggers in this class sang with them. Ashley and Mallory, namely. Needless to say, it was 82349160359 tons of awesome and completely worth skipping this class for.

Spirit! (gross.)
Today we had a pep rally. Which I had to play in. Which was loud and generally awful. Not to say that I don't enjoy pep rallies, but a bunch of screaming teenagers in one room interrupting the BAND PLAYING and stuff.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Haven't blogged in a week. Yeah. I have GSA and Quad-State and pickles and Pep Band and death and fdsaghjkl. Not sure if I have enough time to even accomplish all I need to accomplish.

In other news, I drew you a picture of a narwhal killing a person. Your argument is clearly invalid.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So. I drew a collection of various Pac-related drawings using SumoPaint. Here they are:

Disclaimer: Any relation to real events or persons is completely intentional  unintentional.

This title has been censored by the FDSAGHJKL of America

Censorship. What is it? Where's the line between it and looking out for others? Highly debatable questions, and ones recently brought to my attention. SOPA and PIPA, bills drafted with the power to censor the internet, have made recent news with organizations like Google and Wikipedia protesting them. Another example is the very class I'm writing this blog for. Some would argue that a few of the authors of blogs in this classroom have been censored. Some of the alleged censor-ees would argue with more fervor and determination. It is the belief of this writer that no one person or body of people has any write to tell anyone what to say, what to wear, anything of the nature. I share this view with the Constitution. Regardless of any personal choice of a person, I think they should be able to freely express themselves in a public school setting. Now, some people do not share this belief. I completely understand this, everyone has a right to their own choices. It is not my intent to slander anyone, just make sure that everyone knows about censorship and etc.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Day the Internet Died.

Today is January 18th, 2012. Congress has been trying to pass a bill that would allow them to censor the web and harm vast amounts of potential American innovation.

But some websites are saying:
Fighting online piracy is important. The most effective way to shut down pirate websites is through targeted legislation that cuts off their funding. There’s no need to make American social networks, blogs and search engines censor the Internet or undermine the existing laws that have enabled the Web to thrive, creating millions of U.S. jobs. -Google

These different bills are not the right way to combat piracy. It is my opinion that our Congress should look for better alternatives, instead of combating our freedoms.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012



That's right blogger. I admit it.

I did absolutely no homework at all this weekend. None. So now I just get to die in a fire and fdsaghjkl and I don't even know how I'm going to even start GSA this week and just. ugh.

I hate school. I hate tests. I hate being graded.

To illustrate this: I made you a picture. The black is the hatred for school and stuff festering in my life.

The cruddy brown in the middle is the death and the people that I hate.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The amount of homework I have is starting to weigh down on me. Currently, I have:

  • Practice Speech piece
  • Practice for Governor's School for the Arts audition
  • Watch Julius Caesar
  • Read Julius Caesar
  • Essay for English
  • Vocabulary for English 
  • Notecards summary for English
  • Black history article
  • Caesar Movie ?'s
  • Caesar Book ?'s
Most of these are the result of Ms. Harness. You hear that Ms. Harness?! IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M STRESSED!!! 

and my procrastination...

Monday, January 9, 2012


All-district was a complete success. I sat beside my friend Kaci and some new girl named Paige. She was kinda nice and not at all annoying to sit by. Our director was really awesome. We had like 92385709348 jokes while being in the hotel and etc. Also, I met a coffee maker that was part dragon. When told to do it's regular job, it responded by issuing a burst of unexpectedly warm steam. Band trips for the win.

Also, on a completely unrelated note, I went to an antique shop afterwards with the parentals, and I saw an alarming number of medieval torture devices. More on that later.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Break

is over...

I'm a more than a little sad. On the other hand, all district is Thursday. So a bunch of band kids get to pile onto a bus and drive to Murray, stay in a hotel room, and generally fraternize with other band kids while playing music and stuff. It's set to be awesome.

On another note, it's 2012. And "I think you should name him Parakeet, because he's not a parakeet! ...He is a parakeet..."

As I was saying, it's 2012. It's a new year, and I'm thinking I'm really going to try to become a better musician this year. That's my goal.

...Yeah that's all I got. Happy New Year!